Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sad Realization

At some point in your life you've wished something imaginary was real right? It could have been care bears, digimon, your favorite super hero, or something else along those lines. Well for me it was the things from my videogames, like the characters from Zelda or Pokemon. So just the other day i was talking to my brother about things we had wished we real when we were younger and we both agreed  the pokemon were high on our list. But when we started to think about it, what if that did happen? The Earth would be screwed. Of Course we would have pokemon to help us do certain job and it would be great to have companions like them, but there are way too many drawbacks. The world in pokemon was a utopia, no one but team rocket used Pokemon for evil and pokemon didnt go on wild rampages destroying everything. Seriously, If something like Dialga and Palkia were Real, earth would be a place of utter chaos, because no one would be able to catch them/ tame them and they would just rampage across the earth destroying everything in their way as they fought. But they wouldnt even be the worst, they dont have much sentience other than fighting each other for control, the real problem would be Mewtwo. A Pokemon with intellect far beyond that of a human, would easily decimate all of us and we wouldnt be able to control him. We would have to Hope that something like Mew, Lugia, or some other kindhearted Pokemon would stop him from wiping us out because they had some kind of hope for Humankind. Another flaw is the fact that not only normal, good people would have Pokemon, but so would the terrorists and warmongers of the world. Everything would be thrown into chaos because people would use Pokemon to fuel their wars. And what about PETA, they would go crazy. They would start somethng like PETP [people for the ethical treatment of pokemon] and would try and tell us not to catch them and make them partners...blah blah blah. And thus it came to my sad realization that wishing for something imaginary like this, is just that, wishing. Because if it would become real our world, as corrupt and chaotic as it is, would just crumble into disrepair.

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